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If you're feeling stressed out or anxious...

If you're looking to release muscle tightness...

 If you're looking for relaxation & pain relief...

Color & Sound  Therapy

Have you experienced how much better a piano or other instrument sounds after being properly tuned? That is the difference you will feel after this therapy! This amazing technique uses color; peaceful music set at a particular note; specially mixed essential oils; and unique tuning forks that, when struck, resonate at the perfect tone to that particular area of your body being addressed.
What to Expect during Therapy: Lying fully clothed on a massage table, you will first hear the sound of music designed to reduce the stress of your Adrenal and Glandular Systems. While the music plays, your therapist will apply essential oils to your feet, also allowing you to smell them. After the application of the oil, a colored cloth is layered over the adrenal area. At this time, light massage techniques may also be used. This sequence occurs for 6 other key areas of stress.This therapy will help you feel more balanced, harmonious, and "tuned-up," boost your Immune System, and support your Nervous System.


Initial 1st time visit 90 to 120 min


(2hrs) $150/ 60 min $90


"The deepest & most luxurious massage on the planet"...The practitioner holds on to specially-attached ceiling bars to maintain her balance while “walking” on a client’s back. This ancient barefoot technique has a Western spin known to improve posture, relieve pain and stress and provide an incredibly deep tissue effect.


60mi-$100  90min-$140


CranioSacral therapy is a simple approach for achieving structural and systemic balance. During this therapy, you relax fully-clothed on a massage table while the therapist uses a light touch, about the weight of a nickel, to hold points of tension along the sacrum and spine and on the cranium. This allows the release of tense muscles, enables proper structural alignment, and aids the nervous system in achieving balance.

CranioSacral therapy may reduce symptoms of headaches/migraines, low back pain, acute pain, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, morning sickness, short-term memory loss, numbness in hand/feet, autism, lazy eye



Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of Swedish bodywork that stimulates circulation of blood and lymph fluids. Some sports massage movements use trigger point therapy to break down adhesions (knots in the muscles) and increase range of motion.



60min-$80 90min-$130

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