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Naturopathy is a whole spectrum. In this spectrum are many modalities such as nutrition, kinetic testing, blood typing, herbs, massage & bodywork, iridology, sclerology, energy healing, & more... in others words many subcategories & specific modalities. This makes Naturopathy like a tree & the modalities the branches of that tree. We all practice some form of Naturopathy everyday!

Ear Candling

Ear candling, also called ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy, is an alternative medicine practice claimed to improve general health and well-being by lighting one end of a hollow candle and placing the other end in the ear canal.


30-45 min $60

Meridian & Allergy Correction
Ionic Foot Detox

An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body's natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body's natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. An ionic foot detox is  safe.

Health benefits/ Symptoms or conditions which may improve from an ionic foot bath: Joint Pain, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Foggy Brain, Poor Concentration, Sleeplessness, Poor Circulation, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Allergies, Eczema, Psoriasis, Parasites, Candida, Obesity, Hormonal Imbalance, Low Sex Drive, Weak Immune System, Cellular Acidosis (Ph is too high)


30 to 60 min $40-$70


Meridian Alignment is a technique of using the body's own unique energy (nervous) system to improve health.

During an alignment, pressure points are lightly held until the nerves & muscles respond strongly, indicating that there has been a change & blockages along the pathways have been removed. This allows organs & systems in the body to function more efficiently & symptoms seemingly unrelated begin to diminish.

Allergy correction uses the above system with special attention to immune responses & allergens, removing symptomatic reaction from specific allergies.


60 to 90 min $110-$135

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