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Naturopathy is a whole spectrum. In this spectrum are many modalities such as nutrition, kinetic testing, blood typing, herbs, massage & bodywork, iridology, sclerology, energy healing, & more... in others words many subcategories & specific modalities. This makes Naturopathy like a tree & the modalities the branches of that tree. We all practice some form of Naturopathy everyday!


Iridology is the practice of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris, the portion of the eye that carries color. The iris represents a communication system capable of handling an amazing quantity of information. This reveals itself in the character of the individual iris fibers.
Iridology analysis reveals inflammation, where it is located, and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris records body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person's body according to the way he or she lives.


$80 per hour


Sclerology is the practice of analyzing the delicate structures of the white of the eyes, the portion of the eye that explains what's happening in your body at the current state.



$80 per hour




Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese Art of Object Placement and Environmental Design, originating over 4000 years ago. Unlike the modern Western design concepts that we are more familiar with, Feng Shui primarily places emphasis on energy flow rather than aesthetics. This flow, called Ch'i, is an energy force that exists around us in our environments and also within us. It permeates and surrounds all living things. Depending on the quality of that flow, and how comfortably it moves through a space, it can directly shape for better or worse, all life situations including issues regarding health, finance and relationships.


at home or office $85-$115



Flower Essence

For thousands of years, man has harnessed nature's healing powers in herbal medicines. More recently, essential oils & flowers essences have been developed with great success for all manner of physical, mental, emotional & spiritual healing. To be in touch with nature is the most innocent & fulfilling way to make a personal connection with the sacred. Try this energy healing therapy, let the flowers speak to you!


w/ essence $50

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